KFA - Skills Development Consultants
My Top 10 Presentation Tips

Do you enjoy giving presentations? If the answer is "No" then you are in very good company. A recent survey concluded that many top business people fear giving presentations more than they fear death!

But you do not need to be scared of presenting if you follow my Top 10 Tips.

1Know your objective
a. Tell
b. Impel
c. Sell

2Know your audience
a. How many
b. Level of knowledge
c. Why they are there
d. Talk to them first if you can

a. Number of key points
b. What does your audience want to hear?
c. What do you want them to remember when they leave the room?

a. Size
b. Layout
c. Equipment

I impact
N need
T timings
R range of methods
O objectives

6Body language and language
a. remember 55: 38: 7; research has shown that your audience receives 55% of your message through your body language, 38% through your voice and only 7% from the works you use
b. visual, auditory and kinaesthetic - sensory specific language; make NLP* techniques work for you

7Use humour, but wisely

8Visual aids should enhance the presentation not be the presentation

9Preparation - helps to control those nerves

10Have fun! If you do not enjoy giving your presentation, why would I enjoy listening to it?

Jellybaby Give kFA a call today - 05600 729908 - for information on courses we are running on Presentation Skills.

*Neuro Linguistic Programming

©2008 kFA - 05600 729908 - info@kfassociates.co.uk